ASID Council
The directors, the SIG Chairs and other representatives are part of the Council that provides strategic input to the Board.
Dr Michelle Balm (NZ representative)
Dr Danielle Fitzpatrick (Advanced Trainee representative)
Dr Brendan McMullan (ANZPID Chair)
Dr Abby Douglas, FRACP (ANZMIG Co Chair)
Assoc Prof Caitlin Keighley FRCPA FRACP (ANZMIG Co-Chair)
Dr Andrew Stewardson FRACP (HICSIG Deputy Chair)
Prof Monica Slavin (ICHSIG Chair)
Dr Ben Teh (ICHSIG Deputy Chair)
Prof Fiona Russell (VACSIG Chair)
Dr Archana Koirala (VACSIG Deputy Chair)
Dr Sushena Krishnaswamy (VH2SIG Chair)
Dr Emma Paige (VH2SIG Deputy Chair)
Dr Kathryn Wilks (ZOOSIG Co-Chair)
Dr Katrina Bosward (ZOOSIG Co-Chair)
Prof Jason Trubiano (CRN Chair)
Dr Indy Sandaradura FRACP FRCPA (RCPA representative)
Prof Monica Slavin, FRACP (JSAC Chair)
Dr Louise Cooley (ASA President)
Dr Beatrice Sim (Recent Fellow) -
ASID has been well served by all those who have chosen to give their time and experience to the role of President.
2022 - 2024 Prof Katie Flanagan
2020 - 2022 Prof Allen Cheng
2018 - 2020 Prof Joshua Davis
2015 - 2018 Prof Cheryl Jones
2012 - 2014 A/Prof David Looke
2009 - 2011 A/ Prof Tom Gottlieb
2006 - 2008 Prof Lindsay Grayson
2003 - 2005 A/Prof Philip Jones
2000 - 2002 A/Prof Joe McCormack
1997 - 1999 Prof Lyn Gilbert
1995 - 1996 Prof Richard Benn
1992 - 1994 Dr Richard Kemp
1989 - 1991 Prof Tania Sorrell
1986 - 1988 A/Prof Ian Gust
1984 - 1985 Dr William Langsford
1982 - 1983 Prof Barrie Marmion
1979 - 1981 Prof Clem Boughton
1977 - 1978 Dr John Forbes -
The Board awards Honorary Life Membership to all MacFarlane Burnet Speakers and individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the Society and the field of Infectious Diseases.
The Honorary Life Members are (in alphabetical order):
Dr Anthony Allworth
Dr Michael Alpers
Dr Richard Benn
Prof Clem Boughton
Prof Thierry Calandra
Prof Colleen Kraft
Prof William Craig
Prof Bart Currie
Dr David Denning
Prof David Durack
A/Prof David Ellis
Prof David Freedman
Prof Lyn Gilbert
Dr Thomas Gottlieb
Dr Eduardo Gotuzzo
Prof Lindsay Grayson
Prof Ian Gust
Prof Scott Hammer
Dr Steven Holland
Prof Alison Holmes
Prof David Isaacs
Dr Karl Johnson
Prof Cheryl Jones
Prof Malcolm Jones
Prof Philip Jones
Prof Gagandeep Kang
Prof Samuel Katz
A/Prof David Looke
Prof Kevin Marsh
A/Prof Joseph McCormack
Prof John McGowan
Prof John Mills
Prof Graham Mitchell
Prof Elisabeth Molyneux
Prof Dilip Nathwani
Sir Gustav Nossal
Prof Katherine O’Brien
Prof Piero Olliaro
Prof Sharon Peacock
Dr Roderick Ellis-Pegler
Prof Jack Remington
Prof Tilman Ruff
Prof Daniel Sexton
Prof Monica Slavin
Prof Tania Sorrell
Dr Bryan Speed
Prof Shinaree Sriskandan
Dr Morton Swartz
Prof Amalio Telenti
Prof Richard Wallace
Prof Nick White
Prof Victor Yu