ASID’s popular INtroductory TRainee Education Program in Infectious Diseases (INTREPID) commenced when the traditional Trainee Weekend was disrupted by COVID-19 in 2020. The then Trainee Representative on ASID Council Dr Aaron Bloch coordinated the delivery of fortnightly webinars ensuring education could continue. The then Event Manager Maureen Ryan came up with the name.
The annual program of webinars is co-ordinated by ASID Trainees. They are open to everyone (and earn CPD points) although only ASID members will have access to recordings.
INTREPID is made possible thanks to the generous support from ASID and the RACP/Department of Health.
Top ID Papers of 2024 with Prof Josh Davis
6.30pm AEDT
Register -
Q Fever with Prof Stephen Graves
6.30pm AEDT
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Rickettsial infections with Prof Stephen Graves
6.30pm AEDT
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6.30pm AEDT
Approach to infection after haemopoietic stem cell transplant (+ cellular therapies )
Moderator: Leong Shuen
Dr Abby Douglas
Dr Gemma Reynolds
Dr Liv Smibert
Register here.
6.30pm AEST
Approach to infection following solid organ transplantation
Moderator: Leong Shuen
Speaker: Dr Rebekah Lane
6.30pm AEST
Pulmonary infiltrates in the immunocompromised host
Moderator: Josh Branwell
Speaker: Dr Claire Dendle
6.30pm AEST
HTLV1 infection
Moderator: Leong Shuen
Speaker: Dr Fabian Chiong