Healthcare Infection Control Special Interest Group
HICSIG provides a forum for ASID members that have clinical and/or research interests in infection prevention & control and/or antimicrobial stewardship.
HICSIG aims to:
Participate in relevant public policy development and national initiatives
Collaborate with the Australasian College for infection prevention and control on infection prevention & control and antimicrobial stewardship issues and initiatives
Exchange information and ideas among physicians and others with a special interest in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship
Foster and promote collaborative research among group member institutions.
HIGSIG educational activities include:
An infection prevention & control education day
A HICSIG Symposium at the ASID Annual Scientific Meeting
A joint ACIPC/HICSIG session at the ACIPC Annual Conference
Chair: Dr Andie Lee
Deputy Chair: Assoc Prof Jason Kwong
Immediate Previous Chair: Assoc Prof Andrew Stewardson
Members: Assoc Prof Caroline Marshall, Dr Rebecca McCann, Assoc Prof Deb Friedman, Assoc Prof Paul Griffin, Assoc Prof Kate McCarthy, Dr Sally Roberts, Dr Priya Garg.
Trainee Committee Members: Dr Victoria Jordan. -
Infection control for patients with Clostridium difficile infection in healthcare facilities
ASID/ACIPC Statement on infection control requirements for preventing and controlling Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in healthcare settings.Diagnosis, management and prevention of Candida auris in hospitals
ANZMIG and HICSIG Statement providing consensus recommendations for clinicians and microbiologists in Australia and New Zealand. -
Information resources which HICSIG members may find useful include the following:
Home - ProMED - ProMED-mail (promedmail.org)
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
News & Resources - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (jhu.edu)
Australian Standards
Infection prevention and control | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
CDNA Series of National Guidelines
Hand Hygiene
Infection Control Information
Infection prevention and control GLOBAL (who.int)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov)
Homepage | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (europa.eu)
Home - ACIPC - Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control
Podcast | Healthcare Infection Society - Healthcare Infection Society (his.org.uk)