ASID outlines how Australia’s considerable infectious diseases and public health expertise could be harnessed by a national CDC.

ASID members have played many roles during the COVID-19 pandemic at a national, state and local level, and are a trusted source of information for the community. The society has advocated for a national centre for disease control for many years, and broadly supports the mission and purpose outlined in the consultation document.

In its 6 Dec 2022 submission, ASID outlines some guiding principles for consideration. ASID hopes to have ongoing engagement with government at all stages of design and development to ensure an Australian CDC is fit for purpose.

Read the ASID submission

Read the Department of Health and Aged Care’s CDC discussion paper

Media Contact: Alison Sweeney


ASID calls for sustained investment in developing the infectious diseases workforce to protect communities beyond COVID-19.


ANZPID Submission: Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections