Healthcare Infection Control Special Interest Group
HICSIG provides a forum for ASID members that have clinical and/or research interests in infection prevention & control and/or antimicrobial stewardship.
HICSIG aims to:
Participate in relevant public policy development and national initiativesCollaborate with the Australasian College for infection prevention and control on infection prevention & control and antimicrobial stewardship issues and initiatives
Exchange information and ideas among physicians and others with a special interest in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship
Foster and promote collaborative research among group member institutions.
HIGSIG educational activities include:
An annual infection prevention & control education dayA HICSIG Symposia at the ASID Annual Scientific Meeting.
Chair: Dr Andie Lee
Deputy Chair: Dr Jason Kwong
Immediate Previous Chair: Dr Andrew Stewardson
Members: A/Prof Caroline Marshall, Dr Rebecca McCann, Assoc Prof Deb Friedman, Dr Paul Griffin, Dr Kate McCarthy, Dr Sally Roberts, Dr Priya Garg.
Trainee Committee Members: Dr Victoria Jordan. -
Healthcare Infection Control Education Day, 27 July 2018, The Alfred Melbourne
Automated and Semi automated HAI Surveillance - Philip Russo
Access HICSIG videos anytime.