Zoonoses Special Interest Group
ZOOSIG brings together expertise on zoonoses, and the intersection between animal health, human health and agriculture.
ZOOSIG aims to:
Promote cross disciplinary knowledge, education and research in the field of zoonotic diseasesExplore Australian and global approaches to zoonoses control and preparedness
Maintain linkages with other societies with intersecting areas of interest.
ZOOSIG educational activities include:
Education sessions with an emphasis on current infectious diseasesA conference every two years supporting novel research, treatments and patient outcomes.
A ZOOSIG Symposia at the ASID Annual Scientific Meeting.
Co-Chairs: Dr Kathryn Wilks and Assoc Prof Katrina Bosward
Members: Prof Bart Currie, Dr Jane Dyer, Assoc Prof Thomas Gottlieb, Assoc Prof Jane Heller, Dr Richard Malik, Dr Stephen Muhi, Dr Jenny Robson, Dr Harsha Sheorey, Dr Kate Worthing.
NZ Representative: Dr Tim Blackmore
Trainee members: Dr Caitlyn Sun and Dr Andrew Nguyen -
Papers, guidelines, studies, reports…
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